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Welcome to the Fivetran Community Developer Forum

Lead Developer Advocate
Lead Developer Advocate

Welcome developers! The purpose of the Fivetran Community Developer Forum is to provide developers working with Fivetran a place to share goals and best practices and receive the help, resources and tools needed for successful programming with Fivetran. Here is an overview of what you can expect to find here.

Use cases and how to’s

If you have built something with Fivetran you’d like to share, or have an idea of something you would like to start, let everyone know here! We'd love to know what you've done with Fivetran and how you did it!

Feedback and troubleshooting 

We are always looking to make the developer experience with Fivetran easier. If you ever come across issues or have questions while using the Fivetran API or Fivetran Data Models, you can let the community and Fivetran know here.

Feature requests

We want to give everyone opportunities to shape the way they interface with Fivetran through code. If there is any feature you would like to see added to Fivetran’s suite of developer tools, this is a great place to do so. For example, if there is something we could add to make your experience with Fivetran & Airflow better, let us know here.  

Release notes

When integrations between Fivetran and open source technologies are updated, we will be providing extended context and commentary on their changes in this forum. Here is a release note detailing the addition of schemas as a resource for the Fivetran Terraform provider.

Coming soon

Posts of this variety will give members of the Fivetran Community Developer Forum a sneak peek at upcoming projects that will improve the developer experience with Fivetran even further. Soon, the FivetranSyncTask in Prefect will be replaced by a Fivetran Prefect Collection.

Everything else!

This list isn’t exhaustive, if you have anything to say we’d love to hear from you! Here are some tips on how to create your own post or reply to another.