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How do you ensure your data is secure?

Community Admin
Community Admin

Data security is top of mind for many, if not all, businesses. Are there specific features of your modern data stack that you utilize to ensure robust security, privacy, and governance? Is there anything related to data security that keeps you up at night?


New Contributor II

Related to that I'd like to bring an older feature request back to your attention which I think would be super awesome to make our lives to satisfy GDPR requirements so much easier:

Apart from that we are not doing anything special. E.g. we're using network policies with IP whitelisting and federated authentication in Snowflake. Right now we are in the process of introducing dbt and will then soon think about how we can use it to make compliance with GDPR requirements easier to manage.

Hey @dominik_ruf thanks for that feedback! I'll pass along the feature request to our data governance team to see if there is anything in the works!