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How to create custom connectors with Functions - examples included

Community Admin
Community Admin

Have you run into a situation where you've searched for a connector in the directory, but ended up with no result? If you're using lesser-known applications or trying to connect to a private API, you may find yourself in a situation where there is no pre-built connector available.

One solution for this is to use a Function connector, which allows you to code a custom data connector as an extension of Fivetran. During the last Fivetran Product Showcase, App Developer Ernie Farias from PADNOS showed other Fivetran users how he uses Azure Functions to create custom connectors. Using functions has slashed the development time it takes to build a pipeline for unsupported APIs from weeks/months to hours/days. Watch the segment here to see Ernie develop a connector for a weather API during the webinar in just minutes. 

We at Fivetran also use functions and Ernie inspired us to share our use cases as well! Join Brad Colbert, Lead Data Architect at Fivetran, for a webinar on February 23rd to learn how we create custom connectors to perform a variety of tasks including extracting data from unsupported APIs and sending custom data observability alerts to slack. You can register for the webinar here. If you're interested but can't make it, go ahead and register anyway and we'll send you the recording after.

UPDATE MARCH 1, 2023: Here is the recording of the aforementioned webinar!