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Fivetran Airflow provider 1.1.3 preview

Lead Developer Advocate
Lead Developer Advocate

On Monday (12/12/2022) Fivetran will be releasing version 1.1.3 of the Fivetran Airflow provider, and I wanted to give everyone here in the community a sneak peak. (EDIT: Version 1.1.3 has been released. Install with pip install airflow-provider-fivetran==1.1.3)

The new version of the provider adds the ability to test your Airflow environments connection to Fivetran, which helps in knowing that both the Fivetran API and your Airflow instance are working properly and can communicate with each other.

To test your Fivetran Connection in Airflow, go to Admin -> Connections -> and "Add a new record." The Connection Id will be "fivetran_default", set it to a "Fivetran" as the Connection Type*, and enter in your Fivetran API Key and Fivetran API Secret. After selecting Test, Airflow should respond with the message "Fivetran connection test passed."


You can clone the Fivetran Airflow provider repo and build it yourself right now to add this test, or it will be up on pypi Monday. Thank you for your interest in the provider, looking forward to more releases in the future!

*HTTP can also be used as a Connection Type for Fivetran, but the test will not work.