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‌✅ Fivetran Community guidelines

Director of Community
Director of Community

In order to maintain a safe, welcoming, and valuable experience for everyone, we ask that all of our community members review and adhere to the following guidelines while participating in the Fivetran Community:

Be respectful
Let’s be honest - there are lots of opinions in the data industry, which can lead to some healthy debates. While it’s ok to disagree, it’s never ok to be rude or disrespectful towards others. We’re all in this together, so no matter what opinions or beliefs you hold, be committed to treating others with kindness and respect. Any form of bullying, hate speech, or harassment will not be tolerated. And if any of your content is NSFW, it will not fly here, so please keep it clean.

Search first, then ask
Before you ask your question, make sure it hasn’t already been asked and answered. Use the search tool to find what you’re looking for – if you don’t find the answer, feel free to post your question.

You can ask as many questions as you’d like, but we also encourage you to share your knowledge and experience with others. The more perspectives and voices we have in this community, the more valuable it becomes for everyone involved. So don’t just pass through – take a look at open discussions and see where you can contribute.

Mark answers to questions as “Accepted Solutions”
Once you’ve asked your question, you’ll be notified when you receive replies. When you get the answer you’re looking for, always go back to the discussion thread and mark the correct answer as “Accepted Solution.” This will clear it from our queue, but more importantly, it will give the responder the recognition they deserve for helping you out. 

Respect the copyright of others
Don’t share anything you didn’t write or create without giving credit to the original author or creator. Provide source links when applicable.

No spam or shameless plugs, please
Any attempts to use this platform to sell a product or service, or to drive people to a form or a website, will be removed at the discretion of our moderators.

No impersonation
We respect your right to privacy if you choose to use an alias while using this community. But impersonating a Fivetran team member or sock puppeting for self-promotion or other reasons is prohibited.

Keep our privacy policy in mind
The Fivetran Community is governed by our privacy policy. Please review it and make sure your contributions don’t violate it.