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Forum posts

September Updates: Fivetran Data Models

Fall is in the air and it is time for the September month in review updates from the Fivetran dbt package team! Below are a few releases and updates that we want to highlight across the Fivetran dbt packages which took place in September. Additional...

September 2022 - Monthly Product Update

Welcome to our first monthly product roundup in the Fivetran Community! If you're new to Fivetran, our monthly product update gathers new features, connectors, events, and more in one place so you can stay in the loop on new releases each month. If y...

🆕 Netsuite2 compatible dbt package

 What is new?  Netsuite2 compatibility in our dbt_netsuite package!! In this update, we've aimed for parity with the original reports and have created nearly identical end models that are compatible with connectors using the Netsuite2 en...