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Fivetran Webhook API - Webhook Payload

New Contributor


I created a webhook with a secret through REST API according to However, my webhook payload does not include a signature in its headers. Any help on this would be appreciated, thanks!


New Contributor

Before we try to resolve this issue, can you confirm using this API you are seeing the secret value set in the response body?

If yes, you should have the signature available in the webhook request header as request.headers['x-fivetran-signature-256']

Below is the sample code in javascript for the verification:

import { createHmac } from 'crypto';

const signatureSecret = <YOUR_SECRET>;

const checkSignature = (request) => {
    const actualSignature = request.headers['x-fivetran-signature-256'];
    if (actualSignature && signatureSecret) {
        const expectedSignature = createHmac('sha256', signatureSecret).update(request.body).digest('hex');
        if (actualSignature.toUpperCase() === expectedSignature.toUpperCase()) {
            console.log(green('Signature OK'));
            // Return true if the signature is valid
            return true;
        } else {
            console.log(red('Signature mismatch'));
            // Return false if the signature is invalid
            return false;